Failing Dental Implants Miami Beach, FL

Expertise in Saving Failing Dental Implants

Can Dental

Dental implants are considered the “gold standard” in tooth replacement due to their reliability and long-term advantages to oral health and dental function. Though they have sustained over a 95 percent success rate, dental implants are unfortunately not immune to failure. The most common reason for failing dental implants is peri-implantitis, a condition characterized by infection and inflammation of the gum tissue surrounding implants. Similar in nature to gum disease, peri-implantitis has the potential to irreversibly damage the bone and soft tissue, ultimately leading to bone loss and ailing or failing dental implants. The beginning stages of this failure are often painless and may include tenderness or bleeding around the implant when brushed or minor bone loss that goes unnoticed by patients. We use a revolutionary peri-implantitis treatment solution that utilizes dental laser technology to remove harmful bacteria and regenerate new tissue growth around ailing or failing dental implants. Our experienced Miami Beach, FL periodontist has advanced and specialized training in treating failing dental implants with laser technology to provide the proper restorative care for your smile.

Causes of Failing
Dental Implants

  • Advanced bone loss
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Severe bruxism

Targeted Treatment to Save Failing Dental Implants

Our training in laser technology allows us to provide minimally invasive treatment that preserves the integrity of the soft tissue surround the implant, regenerates new bone and tissue growth, and accelerates healing times. We also treat failing dental implants using traditional dental tools that incise the gum tissue to gain access to the implant for detoxification and bone grafting, if necessary. While failing dental implants is a scary situation to be in, we have the experience and technology in our Miami Beach, FL office to accurately treat the problem, save your implant, and restore health to your smile!

Peri-implantitis does not need to lead to failing dental implants.

Peri-implantitis does not need to lead to failing dental implants.